Zenitsu vs Rakuma “Short And Sweet”

Zenitsu pulls out his Nichirin Blade, and gets ready to strike at the demon.

Demon: Come on! Fight me!

*Zenitsu sprints at him and slashes at the demon’s head*

*The demon seems to have teleported behind Zenitsu before Zenitsu could damage him*

Demon: Hahahaha! You puny demon slayer!

*The demon strikes his claws across Zenitsu’s back*

*Zenitsu staggers away and turns to face the demon*

*A long pause occurs before Zenitsu finally opens his mouth*

Zenitsu: Tell me your name.

*The demon looks shocked*

Demon: Huh?

Zenitsu: Tell me your name before you die.

Demon: Rakuma. But that doesn’t matter. You will perish right here.

*Zenitsu jumps high into the air, and raises his katana over his head*

*Rakuma sends flying claws towards Zenitsu, but Zenitsu dodges it mid-air and drops down to the ground*

Rakuma: What! He dodged while in the air?

Rakuma: You are irritating. It’s time for you to DIE!

*Rakuma runs towards Zenitsu with both arms ready to strike*

*Zenitsu is in his stance, facing down to the ground holding his katana by his hip.*

Zenitsu: I will make short work of you.

*Zenitsu waits for the right time, to connect his blade with Rakuma’s neck*

Zenitsu: Thunder Breathing. First Form. Thunderclap and Flash!

In a split second, Zenitsu flashes and his sword flings at the speed of light. A thunderbolt sounds.

Rakuma’s head has been sliced off.



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