please help fund for treatment and cure for jordan and skyler !!!

guys there has been an epidemic going on called the Bruh Virus… Only two people has been affected so far, and their names are Jordan Gasque and Skyler Carbonell. you must help them before they are not only affected, but they die from it!!! i will list everything you must pay for to help them get better.

$255 – semi-epic gamer medicine to make them stop sneezing blood for 24 hours!!

$300 – Wheelchair with turbo-boost engines to help them get around (their legs shut down when they get the virus!!)

$575 – Big Quintuple Cheese Extra Beefy Mac Whopper (The virus makes them very hungry!!)

$600 Epic Gamer Girl Bath Water (the virus also makes them super thirsty!!)

$5250 Bruhoxide (Helps stop the symptoms of Bruh Virus, but doesnt stop it fully))

$500,000,000,000,000,000,001 Bruh-Be-Gone Serum (THE EPIC GAMER CURE TO BRUH VIRUS!!)

please send all the money to the community funds page, and we will give you an appreciative shoutout and gift card for robux or v-bucks.

Hope for Jordan The Short Boi and Skyler the Crazy Hobo to get well soon…

The Council Meeting of 1972

*All council members meet up in a mysterious base*

Darryck: Welcome, everyone.

*All council members greet each other*

Jordan: So, our plan is to get the ancient treasures that are hidden?

Darryck: Yes, me and the rest of us will go after our suspected rivals.

*Aaron looks around the room, staring at Anthony, then Bayden, then Skyler.*

Aaron: You three will go after the treasures first, and make sure you make a map, just in case…

*A silence breaks over the room*

Anthony: Just in case what! I don’t want to die just to make sure we make a reliable path for you three!

Bayden: Anthony, come on, no matter if we die or not, we need to sacrifice our lives to help The Boys, and help the cause to find the treasure.

Skyler: What even is the treasure? Wasnt it some dumb thing about the earth being a velociraptor or something?

*Everyone stares at skyler in disappointment*

Darryck: This situation shouldn’t be made fun of. If we dont find it, someone else will and they wont know how to use it, and if that happens, the treasure will kill everything that exists on this planet.

*Skyler rolls his eyes*

Skyler: Can i be excused?

*Darryck nods his head slowly*

Jordan: Anyways, are we starting this plan now?

Darryck: Yes.. Anthony, Bayden, go to the front gates, and remember to call Skyler on the way.

*The two boys leave the council room*

Darryck: And for us three, while they are going to go find it, we will go eliminate our known enemies that want the treasure.

The Aka Manto (Toilet paper boi)

so on the weekend i was watching this guy play this game called aka manto and it seemed pretty cool and spooky, and then by doing more research i found out that it was a japanese legend, about a red-cloaked boy that will appear in your bathroom stall holding two pieces of toilet paper.

One is red, and one is blue, and he will ask you to choose one. If you choose red, the tall boy will cut you up until you are all red, and if you choose blue, the Aka Manto will suffocate you till your face is blue. I think i remember reading that there was some yellow paper that you could choose, where he would yeet you into the toilet and drown you, or something like that. If you choose a different color, like orange or something, the boy will apparently take you to the underworld.

The only way to escape it is to either ignore it like it wasn’t even there, or say that you don’t want any paper. The Aka Manto, also called the Red Cape, appears a tall red figure with a white mask embedded on its face. In the game Aka Manto, the figure will instantly appear outside and inside of bathrooms. I like this legend weirdly, i dont know why i have an obsession with a tall creepy figure handing you some colored toilet paper.

R6S Operator Review – Kali (some sniper lady)

Wow, i almost forgot edublogs even existed.


Today im going to be talking about the new operator of the season, Shifting Tides, named Kali. She is an operator from the team, Nighthaven, which sounds pretty cool, not gonna lie. Anyways, she is a remarkable operator because her primary weapon is a bolt action sniper rifle, with pretty decent secondaries. Her sniper is a one-shot injure and even has bullet penetration, so you could snipe a line of people in one shot, though it is almost impossible in real games. Her gadget is an underbarrel gadget that can blow up things that are behind a reinforced wall, mostly bandit gadgets, and wall-hugging campers. I bought my little brother the Kali operator and to be honest, she looks very fun to play. I can definitely see Glaz crying in the corner though. (rip glaz he isn’t the only sniper anymore)


To conclude, Kali is a very fun and straight-forward operator, and is good for helping hard breachers, (thermite, hibana, maverick, etc.) break a hole or two in those reinforced walls. Next i will probably do Wamai, an operator similar but better than Jager in my opinion, soon enough if im motivated and have the time.


Late Night Shift

Tommy was sitting in his old car which his parents gave him when he turned 17. It was 8:07 PM, and the sun was already down. Tommy was waiting for the unexpected message from his boss to come over to the building and watch over it for the night. He worked at a building office downtown in a gloomy area of the city. He heard many urban legends about the area, which even at day, had some sort of strange feeling like you were being watched. There were a lot of abandoned factories and buildings next to the building Tommy was working in, and one time, he swore he saw a silhouette of a face in one of the windows. Tommy had a daughter and wife, who always liked staying home and watching TV. Earlier, he said bye to his family for the night and then went to head to the building.

Right now, Tommy was driving down the street to the downtown part, which was usually called the “The Cloud Of The City.” Tommy turned on the radio when it got too silent, silence always bothered Tommy. His favorite song was playing. That was nice. Were those shadows in the streets he saw? He could barely see, there were only a few streetlights that barely lit up the road. Tommy usually was never scared of the dark, he was just sometimes scared what was in it. The urban legends of this area got to his head now. A bit of anxiety hit him in the chest that he never knew he had. The car finally arrived to the building though. The buzzing yellow lights dimmed outside the blurry windows. His thoughts started to twist and turn, and he tried to calm down. Calm down, calm down, its just a night shift until the morning.

-2 hours later-

Tommy checked the time on his phone. 10:48. His hand was very shaky even as he was relaxing in the comfy chair that was in one of the cubicles. He was just all alone in this building. At least he could check the security cameras. He went to the surveillance room and looked at the various cameras that were placed around the building. One looked at the back door of the building, and Tommy started to see things in the background of it again. Slight moving of shadows. The other camera was the front of the building, where he saw his car parked outside and the abandoned buildings. The other ones were the cameras inside the building. He looked vividly at the cameras. Nothing was happening, but he felt like something was too. Quiet whistling could be heard from the outside of the building. Tommy decided to stay in the surveillance room until it was time for him to leave. He loved being at this place during day, when his co-workers were there and joking around about the stories about this place. But when he is all alone here, he just feels like hes being watched, but from someone who isn’t human. He started to get sleepy, so he rested in the chair and hoped the night would go by fast.

-3 hours later-

Loud banging on the building walls made Tommy jump out his chair. He checked his watch shakily. 1:56. He wished time would go quicker. He looked at the surveillance camera at the front door and the back door and saw a silhouette behind the fence of the backdoor. He was never much of a religious man, and he thought that right now was God himself about to kill Tommy for his sins. Whatever Tommy was thinking right now, it always ended badly. He thought of many situations right now. He just hoped it was just his boss coming to check on him. The banging was long gone now, and he could hear birds chirping, and that cursed whistling again. But after a few silent minutes, his ringtone blasted and Tommy’s heart dropped for a second. He got a call from his boss.

“Is this you! Tommy!” His boss sounded out of breath and seemed like he was running.

“Hello?” Tommy said. He had shivers and caught goosebumps.

His boss was still panting and loud noise could be heard from the phone. “There’s some skinny guy chasing me!”

“Call the police right now!” Those were the last words he heard until a loud yell was heard from the phone and a moment later, violent and aggressive ripping and scratching.

Tommy felt traumatized. The phone automatically hung up. Tommy didn’t even blink as he walked out of the room and looked out the window.

On the street he saw the dead body of his boss.

Tommy’s eyes raised and he started to quiver. He ran back to the surveillance room and then checked his watch. 2:57. Tommy heard the banging on the building again. But now he heard a quiet growling voice from the outside. He checked the cameras again. No one in the front door. No one in the building itself. His heart sank when he saw the back door.


Image result for unnerving images


-News Report By Frank Witherman-

“Hello, hi, great city of great people.”

“As you heard, 2 months ago, there was a murder of two men at the company building downtown.” A lady comes to Frank and whispers to him.

“Actually, we are not sure if it was a murder or not, but it sure was a disappearance. Traces of blood were found on the street in front of the building, and one of the victim’s phone in the building was found too, the phone belonging to a man named Tommy Briggs. While checking it, we found a note-taking app on the phone and we saw that Tommy was making a note to himself, or something like that.”

“That’s enough talking. Lets read the note.” The screen cuts to a blood-splattered phone with the Note app on the screen.

“To my family, friends, or anyone who finds this. So there has been an urban legend thing going on in this area, and right now i’m pretty sure its true. I just saw it on the surveillance camera and it left me speechless, so i’m typing it here. I love you family, Sarah you were always my favorite person, and you are so smart and funny. Teresa, I’m sorry I didn’t spend time with you and Sarah, I just had a lot of hard work to do. And i’m so sorry that if your reading this letter right now, and you are crying. It’s okay to cry. Just don’t come here in this area ever again. Whatever happens here stays here. If you see it, then you will die sooner or later. And Sarah, I need to confess something. It’s just that–” The note ends there.

“Well, that was a dramatic and cliche note, haha.” Frank laughed and smiled at the camera.

“It was probably just some prank pulled off by a group of friends!” Frank kept on laughing.

*Background whispering*

“Yeah I know it might be real but I just don’t believe it!” Frank cut off his laughing and looked at the next subject for the news.

“Now onto the economy of the city failing.” Frank stared at the camera.

My Top 10 Operators in R6S (Rainbow Six Siege) (Very Subjective)

Rainbow Six Siege is a first person shooter video game that basically, you fight in a 5v5 using guns and special abilities. I know barely no one in this school knows about this game but i’m still going to make the list because I don’t know what else to make. Remember this is all subjective on my opinion and this is just if I was good at them or not. After I talk about the operators then I will put a picture so you can see what they look like. I recommend this game if your parents allow you to play it :D, its a pretty hard game though and its usually stressful.

10. Blitz – This operator is an attacker with a pistol and tower shield. To be honest, I used to be good at him at first but soon I was just getting defeated every game. Its probably just me but i’m so bad at using the flash grenade on his shield. He might be super good if you know how to use him though, but I definitely don’t.

Image result for blitz r6

9. Smoke – Smoke is just some guy who has toxic canisters. I had the same problem with Blitz, but in this case, I felt more better at the game because I used his smoke canister a lot and it helped too.

Image result for smoke r6


8. Thatcher – To be honest, this guy was my first operator in the game. I was pretty solid at his shotgun and the EMP grenades were okay at destroying traps. I just think there are better operators that I was good at.

Image result for thatcher r6


7. Tachanka – I actually used to be pretty decent at this russian guy. I didn’t use his mounted LMG until I actually needed it. He was okay, but I wasn’t the best at this armored operator.

Image result for tachanka r6

6. Montagne/Monty – This french man is really good at turtling. He has a pistol and shield like Blitz also. I never really liked the play style of him but I liked having some sort of protection while I was trying to defeat someone.

Image result for montagne r6

5. Glaz – Another russian operator, this guy has some sort of sniper rifle and he also has flash grenades or flashbangs, i’m not sure because I have not played him in a long time. He was pretty good though, I just preferred other characters.

Image result for glaz r6

4. Valkyrie – This was the first operator I bought that was not part of the default armies or whatever they were called. I liked the fact that I could place cameras anywhere and I liked to just camp behind a deployable shield and watch my cameras.

Image result for valkyrie r6

3. Jackal – I actually don’t own this character, but my brother does, and he was pretty much a god at him. Jackal was a bit overpowered too, his footstep tracker was pretty cool to use, but I don’t think his character is what I prefer to play.

Image result for jackal r6

2. Ela – This operator is currently my defender main right now. Her grzmot mines are so useful when roaming around the map, and her guns are pretty effective.

Image result for ela r6

  1. Nomad – Nomad is my attacker main, and I think she is very effective and good for attacking. She has airjabs which launch people away, and her guns are really good. I might find a character that I really am good at soon, but for now, these  two operators are really doing good for me.Image result for nomad r6

I hope you enjoyed my list even though you probably have no idea what im talking about.


the review you all have not been waiting for (Minecraft and Fortnite)



lets start on minecraft.

minecraft is a pretty nice game, not the best, but its pretty good. you can go in creative mode where you can build lots of cool things with your friends, you can play survival with your buddies and try to kill the ender dragon. Or you can go on Hypixel and play bed wars or build battle. I give the game a 8/10, I just play creative and play Hypixel usually.


now for fortnite. this might be a long one just to avoid the confusion,

I wont say fortnite is a bad game, cause thats really subjective, but one thing we can all agree on is that the developers are making bank. I used to play fortnite though, i started in the late season 3, and constantly played until about season 7. I liked Save The World, and I remember dusty depot was my favorite place to go. But i think nowadays, the game isnt what it used to be, im not sure but i think theres new guns that i dont think are really necessary. The game is still ok though, I also like the creative mode on this one. One thing that is important to know about fortnite is that like 1/10 of games i play, theres always one toxic player that calls people he/she kills bad, and when one of his/her teammates wants some of the loot, he/she would just take it and most of the time save it for himself/herself. Not gonna say this always happens to me but i know alot of people on fortnite that experiences this. And the game right now really just isnt for me. Its too competitive when im just trying to have fun.

If i was in season 3, i would give the game about an 8/10 or even 8.5/10. I had alot of good memories, especially when i sucked and then finally i won my first win with my brother in solid gold. but right now i would probably give it a 7/10 or 7.5/10


i hope you liked my review on the two games that are mostly against each other 😀